Friendship United Methodist Church is called to share the love of Christ through discipleship.


The Word Works
— Rev. Janice D. Herman
  • We hold Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. Come join us and experience the love and fellowship of our community. Our Sunday service is also live-streamed on Facebook.

  • We hold bible study services every Wednesday at 7 p.m. where we dig deep into the word of God and get a fuller understanding of what God is saying.

  • Our children's church service is held on Zoom all but two Sundays a month at 9 am.

    On the first Sunday of every month (Communion), the service will be held in the sanctuary at 9 am.

    On the third Sunday of every month, children will lead the regular church service at 10:30 am.

    Please contact the church for the Zoom link if interested in this service.

We Proudly Present Our Pastor; Rev. Janice D. Herman!!

Explore our church and learn about our history and loving congregation.

Our church is the manifestation of its name. We show friendship to all of those who enter our doors. We believe we must love each other as Christ has loved us, which he demonstrated on the cross. We are a country church, with unimaginable talent. Our sole mission is to give all glory and honor to God.

Get in Touch

Please provide your information if you are a visitor or are looking to come so we can get to know you and provide you with additional information about our church.